Transitioning from Summer to Fall Skincare
by Jessica Olivier, September 30, 2022
Move over Summer, it’s time for Sweater Weather and my Pumpkin Spice Latte! Fall is fast-approaching, and it’s time to kick off those sandy flip-flops for cozy boots.
Just as the seasons change and our wardrobe and makeup routine change, so does our skincare. After soaking up that summer sun, and the temperature is beginning to drop, you may start to notice new sunspots, dehydration, and texture (especially if you’re sensitive).
The shifts in climate compromise the skin’s moisture barrier, which may trigger allergies, eczema, and dermatitis. To protect the skin’s lipid barrier, it’s important to use products that properly maintain moisture.

Hydration vs. Moisture
When it’s summer, we can’t help but feel icky and desperately look for anything labeled “oil-free”. Humidity and high temperatures increase oil production, which leads to the use of mattifying foundations, gel-based moisturizers, and waterproof eye makeup.
Typically, dehydrated skin suffers from dullness and water loss, while dry skin suffers from flakiness and lack of oil. During the summer, your skin loves hyaluronic acid, a water-binding ingredient. During the fall, your skin loves moisture-retaining ingredients such as Ceramides, Oils, Shea Butter, and Squalane.
Our Nourishing Moisturizer protects and restores the skin’s moisture barrier with superfood ingredients, perfect for the fall.
Switch out the Gel Cleanser!
Although you may be already using our Makeup Melting Balm Cleanser as the first step of your skincare routine, it’s time to switch out any exfoliating, or gel cleansers to prevent any stripping of the skin, (unless you’re extremely oily, then this won’t apply to you).
To prevent a feeling of tightness, we recommend trying our Hydrating Cream Cleanser, which also melts makeup and is high in vitamin A, E, & C. Since we tend to see the sun a lot less, it’s crucial to start incorporating more Vitamin C both topically and orally (Vitamin C also strengthens the efficacy of SPF)!

Cut Down on Exfoliation
Changing habits are not the easiest, but it’s easier to strip the skin when it’s already dehydrated due to the arid climate. Instead of using a scrub, we recommend using our AHA/BHA Gel Cleanser 2 times a week, followed by our Retinol Resurfacing Night Cream.
Our retinol is catered to all skin types because it’s packed with moisturizing ingredients such as Centella Asiatica, Squalane, and Lecithin.
Applying retinol after exfoliating will also target those stubborn summer-induced sunspots and any clogged pores more efficiently. Changing up your summer skincare to fall will also show you more noticeable results, as your skin may get acclimated to the same year-round routine.
Don’t Forget to Hydrate and Apply SPF
Like always, water is your best friend and the key to a healthy mind and body. Properly hydrating will help lock any moisturizers on your skin, especially butters and oils.
Even if there’s an overcast, or it’s snowing you should always apply SPF. UV rays penetrate glass and clouds like nobody’s business! If you’re exfoliating, you also want to make sure that beautiful canvas is insured. Think of SPF as your wrinkle insurance agent!
Simplicity matters as much as the habit itself. The simpler the routine, the more likely we are to stick to it. What is your best habit? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @communitysixtysix to join our community, so we can create healthy habits, together.
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*Bryan Barron, 'Why Fragrance-Free Skin Care Products are Best for Everyone'
** Malloy, V. (2021, November 10). Why we think skin-care products that smell the worst must work the best. Coveteur.
Your Daily Routine with Community Sixty-Six
Step 1: Cleanse your face
You need the right cleanser for your skin type - head over to our product page if you're unsure which cleanser is right for you.
Step 2: Moisturize
Pair our C66 moisturizer with your cleanser - head over to our product page if you're unsure which moisturizer is right for you.
Step 3: Protect + Prevent
The last step for achieving healthy skin. Protect it from the sun with our SPF 30, and prevent fine lines with our Hydrating Eye Cream.